Gaian Tarot

Gaian Tarot - Gaia (Mother Nature) is the primal Greek goddess said by ancients to have given birth to the sky, sea, mountains, and all of creation. Sometimes the cards illustrate part of the world we live in, sometimes they show the realms of spirit, and sometimes they inhabit the borderlines between the two. Gaian spirituality understands that humans, plants, animals, stones, and stars are all inextricably linked—when one strand is pulled, the entire web is affected.

78 cards, book (English)


38,00 EUR

Endpreis nach § 19 UStG. zzgl. Versandkosten

Gaian Tarot

Gaian Tarot
Gaian Tarot
Gaian Tarot
Gaian Tarot
Gaian Tarot