Dream Raven Tarot

Dream Raven Tarot - by bringing dream information into conscious thought, this lively card deck enables an honest assessment of your current state of affairs, as well as a better understanding of the self and the world around you. Each card image exhibits core ideals of the Tarot through modern and historic iconography and symbolism, incorporating fun body language and cheerful colors. Within each suit, a menagerie of ravens take on a different body structure and style that reflect the corresponding element of that suit. The bright colors enhance the overall mood and message.

78 cards (English)


42,00 EUR

Endpreis nach § 19 UStG. zzgl. Versandkosten

Dream Raven Tarot

Dream Raven Tarot
Dream Raven Tarot
Dream Raven Tarot
Dream Raven Tarot
Dream Raven Tarot
Dream Raven Tarot
Dream Raven Tarot